The birds are back

Goldfinch at thistle feeder – October 9, 2012

In the late spring we took our bird feeders down once mother earth took over providing abundant food for our feathered friends. This week we put the feeders back up. Within 24 hours the birds were back.

American goldfinch – October 09, 2012

After spending the summer, chasing birds down, peering through tree leaves, taking random, hopeful shots that I might catch a bird, photographing these birds at the feeders feels like shooting fish in a barrel.

Chickadee – October 09, 2012

The first day the feeder was up I saw titmice, chickadees, goldfinches, house finches, nuthatches, and a downy woodpecker.

I didn’t have a lot of time to spend, so most of them got away.

Unidentified bird – October 09, 2012

I tried to get a good photo of this shy little guy who did not tarry at the feeder. I think it might be a red-breasted nuthatch.  Usually we see white-breasted nuthatches around here. They are easy to spot because of their inclination to climb around on trees upside down.

This year I’m going to make a concerted effort to identify the small wrens, sparrows, and finches that I can never tell apart. I think my 300mm lens is really going to help me with this project. I will be able to capture photos, enlarge them on my computer screen, and then identify the birds at my leisure, in theory, anyway.

Mourning dove – October 09, 2012

Of course the mourning doves are easy to photograph with their placid nature. This one looks like I just woke her up.

We still need to clean out our birdhouses from the spring nesting season. I hope to get that done before the end of the month. I don’t know if birds will roost here in the winter or not, but I want to be a good and welcoming innkeeper just in case.

23 thoughts on “The birds are back”

  1. Glad the birds are back. I need to hang our feeder. Our cats used to love watching the birds. Took feeder down when we went to Vietnam and friends took the cats. It’s time to bring it back out.

    1. You do need to hang that feeder. You’ll enjoy having the little fliers around. And yes, you can’t forget about the entertainment for the cats. Your dog must be like Arthur. He doesn’t even bother with the birds. Squirrels, on the other hand. . .

    1. They are. Their color in winter is a little duller. I saw a very bright yellow one in the summer. It almost looked like a pet canary or something. I also love watching their bobbing flight pattern.

      1. I did, indeed!!!! My kitties love it and since they would not know what to do if they ever caught one I don’t think it is torture!

  2. Christine, loved these photos… But then I love ALL your photo’s as your back-yard as you call it is teaming with wonderful wild-life.. We too have replenished our birdfeeders and given the bird house a clean and overhaul.. we also keep the water feeder topped up too… The Sun just came out here after a wet start to the day… 🙂 Sue

    1. I need to get some kind of water feeder. I didn’t realize there was such a thing. We’ve only used bird baths before and they freeze and crack in the winter. I’ll have to look into it.

  3. Totally awesome! I love birds and love to watch them. We have some Blue Jays that think my nut tree belongs to them and they get into some bantering with the squirrels. I miss them when Fall and Winter comes so I always look forward to Spring.

  4. The goldfinches are so pretty, at any time of year. Your mourning dove does look like a little sleepyhead. lol! Good luck with your identifications. 🙂
