Ornament, gardener, or nuisance?

As I was standing in front of the dryer folding clothes Wednesday just before dusk, I looked outside and saw this new garden ornament in our woodland garden.

Then she started to move and I realized she wasn’t an ornament at all, but a gardener. She was pruning the flower buds right off of our Oakleaf Hydrangea.

When she moved over to our new little flowering crabapple tree, that failed to bloom this year because someone had eaten off the branches at the bottom, I started wondering if she is after all, what my husband might call her — a nuisance.

I just wish I could train her to nibble on those dead, brown hydrangea blossoms from an early spring freeze.

I let Arthur out to chase her off, but she’s wised up to him. He doesn’t scare her anymore. I stepped out on the deck to call Arthur back, but she’s also wised up to me.

So I abandoned my woodland garden to the woodland creature and returned to my laundry.

28 thoughts on “Ornament, gardener, or nuisance?”

  1. Beautiful.
    They are pesky, but it’s pointless to chase them away, isn’t it? She’d just innocently come back and do what she wants when you’re gone. May as well enjoy her loveliness like you did. 🙂

  2. Gosh, the deer is so beautiful, it’s sad she’s literally consuming your garden. Would it help to get a salt lick, so she came to your place for that and did her dining elsewhere? My grandmother always had a salt lick. Do folks even do that any more?

    1. This winter when i caught the three of them eating my front landscaping,I looked for a salt lick and got some kind of feed block instead. I don’t know if it helped much or not. I’m really not too worried about it at this point. I think the deer are far lovelier than the bushes.

    1. The truth is, I suspect this was her home before it was ours. I’m just wondering where the fawn are. This is the first year I haven’t seen any.

    1. They are beautiful. I don’t think I will ever tire of them. I saw a much thinner doe trudge slowly to the woodland garden this morning, with a bit of a limp. I don’t know whether it was the same one or not. I couldn’t see her left side that had the big scrape. I’m wondering if she had her baby/babies. Looking back at my posts, I realize I didn’t see infant deer until May 24th or so. The timing would be right. I’ve been looking for them and wondering. I do hope we have fawns again this year.

  3. That makes a nice lawn ornament. If only you could send them to horticultural school so they do the proper pruning.

  4. What a beauty!

    This time of year, they do tend to leave the fawn at a certain place, particularly if it’s just born this year as opposed to being a yearling. The new fawns don’t have a scent to them, and it can be safer for them to be left in a meadow while the mother feeds. Later in the summer there might be more signs of a young one present.

    1. I don’t know if you saw my posts from May 24th and later last year when I posted photos of what looked to be newborn fawns. I keep hoping I’ll see one this year too.

    1. I think she’s just a creature of the earth sharing in the bounty. I hope my flowers outlive her attention too. One of my newly planted hostas has taken a real hit. And the sunflower seedlings are all gone. But that could have been somebody else.

  5. I love your blog, the stories and photos always leave me feeling better about everything. Thanks

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